UpcyclIT ® Bin Service

The Simplest and Most Secure E-waste Solution 

Let’s face it! No one, especially Office, EH&S, Sustainability, IT and Facility Managers, enjoys trying to find solutions to all your organization’s e-waste management problems, just like no one enjoys taking out the trash.

We have an e-waste solution that will solve appropriate electronic disposal for you. 

The UpcyclIT® bin: 


  • Send in a request and we'll send you a 48"x40"x28" or 48"x40"x38" bin. Each bin holds up to 1,200 pounds

  • Place the bin in a corner of your office or warehouse so everyone knows where to get rid of their e-waste 

  • When the bin is full, simply call or email us and we'll ship it back 

Why is this the best solution for your business or organization? 

Great option for organizations with single or multi-sites both in and outside of California. All e-waste assets are securely tracked by one vendor.

UpcyclIT® bins are delivered flat and only take a few minutes to open. The pallet and bin are also fully recyclable.

In addition to the bin making e-waste pickups easy, neat and organized, we provide zero waste reporting showing you how much e-waste has been reused vs. recycled.

Our zero waste reporting and the UpcyclIT® bin program will make professionals like you an “E-waste Recycling Hero” for your organization.

Fee apply for shipped or unreturned bins

Your e-waste needs are about to be solved. You are just one phone call away. Contact us and we’ll get back to you ASAP.

Don't be Part of the Problem

Surplus Service has the Solution

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